Woman with wavy hair by the pool

Summer brings all sorts of hair problems. Curly hair is especially susceptible to heat, humidity and excess pool chlorine. Redken Brand Ambassador and Owner of Cutler/Redken Salons, Rodney Cutler offers these summer hair care tips and products to help combat warm weather hair woes. You can also watch his full segment on ABC’s “Good Afternoon America.”

Humid Weather=Frizzy Hair

Don’t fight it! Use the frizz and texture the humidity brings to your hair to your advantage and put your hair in a side braid. You can also use Redken Powder Grip 03 Mattifying Hair Powder at the roots for extra texture and grip and add Redken Fashion Work 12 Versatile Working Spray!

Windy Weather=Beach Hair

Pin your hair up in a bun for an easy wet-to-dry style and to avoid tangles and then at the end of the day take it down and shake out for a sexy beachy waves look. Use Redken Tousle Whip 04 Soft Texturizing Cream-Wax for extra definition!

Sun and Heat=Faded Hair Color

An easy solution is to wear a hat! But if you have great hair color, you won’t want to put a hat on it. In the world of hair color, there are so many new technologies out there like new Redken Chromatics color that will actually improve the condition of the hair and deliver the brightest color possible.

Rain=Wet hair

All hairstyles are going to be ruined by the rain, so just go with it and create a slick, sleek ponytail or chignon. Then it doesn’t matter if it gets wet! This is also a big Spring 2012 runway trend. Use Redken Shine Flash 02 Glistening Mist or Redken Glass 01 Smoothing Serum to improve the look.

These summer hair care tips will prepare you for all types of unpredictable warm weather!

What are your go-to summer tips and products? 

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