Moisture is Key

Cold weather and hat hair create lots of unwanted frizz together, a curly girl’s nightmare. You need to hydrate and moisturize your hair to cut down on the frizz.  If it is really cold, windy and dry out, keep a spray-in moisturizer on hand to reapply during the day.

  1. Wavy (Type 2″>: Do not spray too much of a defrizzer in, it will weigh your waves down. Use it sparingly instead, but apply a light frizz-free oil by scrunching it in while your hair is upside down.
  2. Curly (Type 3″>: Use a medium hold gel and a curling serum together and scrunch upside down slowly and hold for a few seconds, and release slowly not to disturb the curl pattern.
  3. Kinky (Type 4″>: Cocktail a defrizzer and a curling serum together and scrunch it in to cut the frizz and rejuvenate your curls, but do not disturb the curl pattern.
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