Rinse & Repeat

Finally, it was time to wash it out of my hair! When I stepped into the shower, I rinsed my hair with just plain water at first. I was already amazed at how my hair felt surprisingly soft, considering the alcohol made it feel so straw-like as I was applying the egg mixture. I’m guessing this was a result of the egg sliding out of my hair.

Next, I shampooed my hair as usual. When I rinsed out the shampoo, I was still shocked at how SOFT my hair felt. Of course, I still wanted to follow it up with conditioner, so I did.

While researching for this article, before daring to apply this to my hair, I found that many people followed up this porous hair treatment with an ACV (apple cider vinegar”> rinse. Should you choose to do that, you’ll want to add about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to two cups of water. Some complained of the vinegar smell (even after their hair dried”>, while others said it was barely noticeable. This must depend on how much you dilute the vinegar as well as whether you’re using apple cider vinegar or plain vinegar. Alternatively, you could use lemon juice in place of vinegar.

As for me, I didn’t use either because I didn’t discover that I had no vinegar in the house until the egg mixture was whipped together. Frantic, I did some more research to find out what the vinegar is for and whether or not it was truly necessary. As far as I can tell, it’s supposed to help make your hair soft when you finish shampooing out the egg mixture. Since I planned to follow this up with conditioner and my usual detangler, I figured it didn’t matter all that much.

Read More: Why Hair Porosity & Density Matter

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