tamara naturallycurly
What inspired you to start blogging?

Tamara: When I went natural there was very little information about natural hair care. Many of us were learning our natural hair through the guess and test method. This was true for myself as well as others around me, but I became the resident natural hair guru in my circle. As much as I loved to spend hours in grocery store aisle discussing my hairstyle and products I was using, I needed a place to store all of this information. I also wanted to inspire others with my natural hair journey. They don’t call it a journey for nothing. Natural Hair Rules.com is my way of saying, “I did it and you can too.” Natural Hair Rules began as my personal hair journal that grew into one of the top natural hair websites. It is all about encouraging others to be who they are naturally.  

What do you like most about blogging?

Tamara: I really like the community building. I have successfully built a community of over a half million. This was not something that happened overnight but it was confirmation that hard work and dedication pay off. Receiving great products is also an added bonus. 

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