charmsie curly hair guru

What are inspired you to start a vlog?

Charmaine: I’ve always been a go-to person for my friends that want advice on fashion, beauty, career, and love so I thought if I can help them perhaps I can help others. In terms of hair vlogging, I had a very hard time finding YouTubers with my hair texture (still do”> and I know it’s very helpful to watch vloggers that have similar textures. What may work really well on someone’s hair that is on the thick side, can be an absolute disaster for someone that has thin hair so I was hoping to help those girls out!

What do you like most about vlogging?

Charmaine: I love hearing that I am helping women feel good about themselves. Sometimes women just need that community and I think social media has an amazing way of connecting people from all walks of life from all around the globe.

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