When it comes to healthy hair, we all know the many tell-tale signs to look for.  Hair that is well-moisturized and strong, combined with a scalp free from buildup are the hallmarks of good hair health. But, while we may know what healthy hair looks and feels like, are you tuned in to the signs of your overall health that your hair might be trying to tell you?

It can be hard to tell the difference between a hair care issue related directly to your hair and a sign of a deeper health problem.

When it comes to evaluating your hair health and how it relates to your overall physical heath, there are a few things to keep in mind.

One of the most important ways to determine if your damaged hair is related to your overall health is to pay attention to your strands over a period of time. If you have a strict hair care routine in place that never deviates and you start to notice changes, your hair could be showing signs of damage due to an underlying health issue. Another indicator is when the changes in your hair seem sudden or happen over a short period of time when you haven’t switched up anything in your hair care routine. Here are a few of the most common hair indicators:

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Dry & Limp Hair

When we say limp hair, we don’t necessarily mean occasional changes in volume that happen normally. Hair that is trying to tell you something about your overall health, will often take on a thinness that changes the texture of the hair most notably in your individual strands. While many people confuse this with being a sign of aging, it can be a sign of something more serious when coupled with other symptoms. This hair condition when also experienced alongside other symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, or a slow heart rate could be signs of an underactive thyroid condition.

Thinning Hair Coupled with Loss

While hair thinning may seem like a sign of aging experienced only by older individuals in their golden years, it can actually happen at any age. In fact, daily hair loss is a part of life with us losing about 100 strands a day. The problem is when hair loss becomes so heavy, that it is noticeable. Whether you are noticing more hairs than usual in your brush or a bald spot on your head, losing hair rapidly whether in strands or clumps is a definite cause for concern. Since hair loss can be an indicator of either mental stress or a physical condition such as diabetes or an infection, it is important to check in with your healthcare provider about it promptly.

Weak, Lackluster Hair

If you are doing everything right in terms of following a hair care routine and your strands still seem lifeless, it may be a sign of a lifestyle change. For hair to reap the benefits of your hair care plan, it needs to be nourished from the inside first. Eating a diet that lacks healthy fats, proteins, and nutrients, such as Omega-3 acids and lipids, can leave your hair looking unhealthy. Making sure you up your water intake can also keep hair healthy. If you are on a balanced, healthy diet but your hair is still weak and lackluster, it may be sign of an underlying vitamin deficiency that needs professional attention.

The most important thing to remember is to routinely check the health of your hair so you know what is normal for your strands. If anything out of the ordinary pops up, check in with your doctor to be on the safe side.

Seeing any changes in your hair? Share your hair story with us on Facebook!

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