NC: On your blog you feature so many different styles. How do you keep your hairstyles fresh and fashion forward?

Alba: I stick with clean and classic hair styles so I allow my outfits to compliment them.

Because my hair is so classic looking, my outfits can be as loud as I like or as simple as I like.

NC: When did you start vlogging?

A: I started Vlogging in 2010 just as a hobby. I uploaded hauls and tags and simple videos once in a while that were filmed on my webcam or Canon PowerShot camera until about 2011-2012.

Then I began to take it a bit more serious after becoming a bit more experienced with the filming side of it and editing. I took it upon myself to learn to edit and invested in an HD professional camera. I’m still learning and working towards making my videos even better. 

NC: What do you like most about vlogging?

Alba: I became a successful beauty blogger by investing much more time into vlogging.

I began to pay attention to my numbers and my audience. Once I understood my audience and my viewership, I then understood what works for me and what doesn’t based on what I know others want to see.

How do I know what my audience wants to see? After a video goes up I pay attention to my views. What’s my highest… what is my lowest etc… My highest viewed videos are the ones that include a combination of hairstyles and beauty in one or simple curly routines.

I focused on giving my viewers what they showed me they want to see and from there I grew and they grew like a happy family.

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