We know your routine may change with the seasons, or your moods, but there are some steps that we never. ever. skip. We’ve learned our lesson! And so have these natural hair gurus. Here are the 3 steps that each of these popular YouTubers never skip, no matter what.

Twist, Bun, Wrap

Naptural85 makes sure she creates a humongous rope twist with her hair and then buns it up before laying down. To secure, she puts a stretched out hair tie around the bun. Next, she uses a satin scarf over her entire head and wraps the ends into a knot around from the back to the top front of her head to keep it from falling off at night.

Pineapple, Shake, Fluff

MahoganyCurls makes her wash-n-gos last up to 5 days by simply pineappling her hair night with a loose scrunchie. The next morning, she takes it down, shakes her head, and fluffs with her fingers. If there’s frizz or flyaways, she will use a bit of styling product at the ends of her hair.

Separate, Twist, Pic

NaturalMe4C tries not to disturb the pattern from her previous twist-outs. On 2nd day hair or beyond, she lightly twists at night with only a small amount of gel for hold. The next morning, she uses an Afro pic to separate her twists once they are unraveled. She adds oil to her roots and pomade to her edges.

Stretch, Tuck, Wrap

Yolanda Renee creates two-strand twists using the LOC Method then wraps her hair with a satin head wrap. After knotting the ends, she tucks in her twists underneath her wrap to keep the ends fresh the next day.

Smooth, Tie, Pull

Mini Marley opts for a low puff instead of a high pineapple. She leaves her ends loose and open but ties the satin head wrap over her crown. The next day, she patiently awaits her hair to regain its shape on its own. Sometimes, she pulls on sections to ‘mold’ the shape.

What’s your nighttime curly hair routine?

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