Wearing a protective style is a great way to protect your hair from damaging elements of the climate–in the summer, the sun; in the winter, the chill. Either way, it’s only effective as you let it be, not matter which time of year you rock it. I hid my curls away into some Marley twists for a couple of weeks– and these are these are the surprising facts that I learned from having them.

1. They’re not expensive.

Some of you are reading the previous line and judging me. But for all you protective-styling newbies (like myself”>, you’ll come to find out that packs of Marley hair are only about $6 bucks a bag. I used 6 1/2 bags of Freetress Equal marley braiding hair. My stylist charged me $80 to install.

2. Installation time is only a few hours.

For those of you who get sew-ins regularly can feel me on this. It’s not fun to sit in one place for hours at a time with your head tilted in all sorts of which ways. Whenever you finally get out the chair your neck is halfway crooked and the sun’s going down already. Not with these bad boys.

3. They open your mind to new options.

Even though I had my hair in twists and not faux locs, it was still pretty easy for me to see myself with other new styles like long, beautiful locs in my hair. I’d been considering locking my curly hair in the past, so this gave me a useful visual.

4. They give you more styling versatility.

Because my hair was temporarily thicker, longer, and different colors (I used 3 different colors from the same brand”>, I was able to play around with different styles that I normally couldn’t with my real natural hair. It was a fun to play dress up.

5. They’re a mini detox for your hair.

As mentioned above, I only rocked the marley twists a little over a week. Still, that was plenty of time to give my hair a chance to breathe, replenish from the sweltering summer heat, and call me crazy but I feel like I even noticed some slight new growth after taking them out.

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