Up until a month ago, I had never tried clip-in extensions before. I was hesitant at first due to my theory that too much hair will not enhance, but rather deflect my hair’s natural beauty and texture. But one day I came across Big Chop Hair by City Samuels, and I rummaged through her photos, blogger testimonies, and vast online presence when I made the decision to finally step even more out of my hair comfort zone and give these human natural hair extensions a try.

First impressions

As I mentioned I am a new to hair extensions, so you can imagine my fear in attempting to put these into my curly hair on my own. To my surprise, installation time was about 30 minutes and it was fairly simple.

The process

All I did was pop the clips open and attach them close to my scalp, snapped them close to secure, and continued.

Altogether I used 1 1/2 bundles and to me, that was just enough to keep my natural look while achieving the fuller, longer curls I’ll admit sometimes I wish I had.

Giveaway Alert!

I have 2 additional bundles that I did not use–and I am giving them away! Simply leave a comment on this article and follow @BigChopHair to enter. You may also either write me @DevriVelazquez to enter.

This giveaway ends Friday, September 19.

And right now, BigChopHair.com, is offering free shipping with discount code NaturallyCurly!

Have you tried clip-ins to enhance your natural hair? What was your experience? Let us know, and share your photos!

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