Dear Rebecca: I have 2a/2b wavy hair that I guess I never knew I had since I’ve always blown my hair dry—I always figured that it was so “in-between” that it would be better straight!! Anyway, I am now embracing my waves/curls and would like to enhance them and have more. I have started going shampoo-less just this month; I am using salt water water spray and flax seed gel. I seem to get a lot of flyaway frizzies, though. I no longer live in the U.S. and do not have access to many of the products mentioned on NaturallyCurly. Do you have any suggestions for some good homemade moisture?? I am assuming that it is what I need—however, I am afraid that it will weigh down the waves too much and straightening them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanx so much.

Dear Embracing Curls: Where are you living? It sounds exotic and wonderful!! This homemade moisture combination was recommended to me by my beautiful grandmother. It is an ancient Aztec remedy for adding moisture to the hair. You will need 1 avocado, moisturizing shampoo, a bowl, and olive oil. Shampoo the hair first with a moisturizing shampoo, towel blot the hair. Then in the bowl, mix a large avocado, and 1tsp. of olive oil. Mix it as best you can until the mixture is smooth. Apply to your hair starting with the ends first. Follow by applying it completely all over on the hair. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap (obviously something the Aztec’s wish they’d had”> and let the treatment penetrate the hair for 15-30 minutes. Once completed, rinse the mixture thoroughly from the hair. The natural fatty acids from an avocado will be an excellent source of moisture and provide immense sheen. If you feel that there is too much weight, lightly shampoo the hair to remove excess moisture. In small sections, maybe 2inches by 2 inches, twirl (with fingers”> the hair in its natural curl pattern (ensuring that the hair is moist while manipulating it”> then allow the curls to air dry. I believe your hair will be full of sheen with beautifully defined loose waves. Do this remedy once a month until you are able to purchase some Design Essentials Natural products for maintenance for your curly hair.

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