12. What do you want to do beyond YouTube?
I want to be a spokesperson for one of my favorite hair care or skin care brands, write children’s books, and be an inventor of extraordinary things!
13. Do you have any advice for new natural hair bloggers?
When I started blogging/vlogging, I didn’t really have any expectations. It was just an outlet for me, but I also wanted to inspire and encourage others just by being myself.  If I had to give anyone advice I’d say, be yourself, be respectful, and don’t say anything to anyone that you’d be ashamed for your mother to read or watch. Also, please realize that not everyone will be nice, but that doesn’t mean that you have to give them your energy! Most importantly, always strive to be the highest and best version of yourself.
14. Any upcoming projects/events you’d like to tell us about?
I’m re-launching my blog early this year! To receive a notification of when it launches, sign up at www.cultchure.com!

Get more coily inspiration from Ebony on Instagram & YouTube, both @EClark6