alondra natural hair

What are (or were”> some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?
I was the self proclaimed braid-out queen! I would braid my hair individually and roll the relaxed ends and rock it for days! As far as current favorite hairstyles go, I prefer to wear my hair BIG. Whether it be in a twist out, braid-out, blow-out…just as long as I can fro it out I don’t care.
How would you describe your hair?

My hair is very thick but it’s not hard to manage at all. If I had to put it in a category based on the hair typing system, I would say it falls in the 3c/4a group. I don’t have to spend an excessive amount of time detangling, which is ironic considering the amount of hair that I have. If it’s not really humid outside, my hair can hold styles really well and retains moisture for a good amount of time. It also grows pretty fast, I haven’t taken exact measurements, but ya know…I just know, lol.

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