What has been the most memorable part of the journey?

The most memorable part of my hair journey would have to be learning how to care for it. After all of these years I’m still in search of the perfect products and regimen for MY hair. I’ve learned a lot throughout the years and I’m still learning. It’s definitely gotten much easier. I was struggling in the beginning. I had no clue what I was doing. Thank God for tutorials! I never transitioned but in the beginning of my journey I swore by micro braids and puffs! Currently, I rock wngs most of the time. I have that routine pretty much down to a science, but also big buns and top knots.

How has your experience been as a ‘natural’?

My experience as a natural overall has been extremely positive!! I receive a lot of compliments and positive feedback. I had a few family members give me the side eye at first and even some now who probably prefer it straightened, but I think it’s grown on them. Either that or they just know it’s not going anywhere so they just deal with it. Lol

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