What is your hair regimen?

I pretty much only wear wngs. I start off by sectioning my hair off into four. Then I get in the shower and wet one section. I put olive oil on that section first, then Tresemme Naturals conditioner, twist back up in clip and the repeat on other sections. I then rinse it all out and put in my leave in conditioner. These days I’m loving Kinky Curly Knot Today. After I get out of the shower I smooth olive oil Eco styler gel through small sections. I prefer air drying, but if I’m in a hurry I will diffuse. I’m not a fan of my day 1 hair because I love big hair, so by day 3, I’m a happy camper :”> To maintain my wng I sleep on a satin pillow case and just spritz with water and a little olive oil to refresh each day. I try to deep condition once a week using either Shea Moisture or Miss Jessie’s.


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