NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Melissa Poe: Hi, my name is Melissa! 

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

MP: I started to embrace my curls immediately after transitioning. I hadn’t seen my natural hair since I was ten, so I was amazed at what I saw growing out of my scalp! 

NC: What’s your current routine?

MP: My regimen is very simple, because I try not to manipulate my hair too much. I co-wash every two days and then wear my hair in twists.

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what is your process?

MP: I’ll co-wash and then seal my hair using the LOC method. Then, if I’m doing a wash and go, I’ll apply my styling product. If I’m wearing a twist out, I usually skip the styling product.

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