natural belle curly hair guru
How do you care for your daughter’s hair?

Gina: I leave her hair to do as it pleases. She is still very young and her hair is still changing. I wash her hair once a week and use water and a little moisturizer when needed but I’m very low maintenance with her hair.

We noticed that your Instagram is culture driven. How does culture influence how you care for your hair?

Gina: I think we can take a lot from our African heritage in terms of how we care for our hair. I’m currently obsessed with the Himba tribe from Namibia. They use red clay to protect skin and hair from harsh climates. I take a lot of inspiration for styling my hair from many of the tribes across the African continent. I think it’s important to reclaim styles such as braiding and hair adornment as a nod to my heritage. It also looks amazing.

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