NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

TB: The best thing about being curly is not feeling like I’m a slave to chemicals and their side effects, and most of all, feeling and looking like an individual. 

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your life?

TB: Having curly hair has made me a much stronger person. I’ve embraced the fact that no, I am not my hair (shout out to India Arie”>, but my hair is an outward expression of who I am. I can walk into a room full of people with my head up, no longer looking down to avoid eye contact. I feel good about me!

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

TB: First, you’d have to be ready to accept change, and you’re going to have to be ready to love yourself unconditionally. It’s a lifestyle change. In doing these things, you will be able to embrace your curls and all that comes with them. ROCK THOSE CURLS, GIRL!

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

TB: Well, my current project is my oldest daughter who is graduating high school in a few months and then going off to college! My upcoming project is going to be ME…getting healthier, losing weight, and starting work on a new CD project. 

I’m what my grandma used to call a “jack of all trades” and what my husband calls “a free spirit.” I have done and/or will try some of everything, within reason! But the one thing that I always go back to is singing. It’s my gift.  

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