Focusing on my wellness not only affected my creativity but my overall outlook on life and health.

During my teenage years I did not take the necessary care of my body and neglected to use certain medicines–mostly because of laziness.

I hated P.E. classes sincerely. “I do not gain weight so I don’t need to do sports,” was my favorite line whenever someone asked whether I went to the gym. In the meantime, however, my mental health started to deteriorate as my anxiety disorders worsened. Consequently, I was often extremely moody, tired and developed a negative mindset. The latter is something that I wish I prevented, since having a negative mindset will pull you to depression easily. This not only affected my creativity but my overall outlook on life.

In 2014 I got a stomach ulcer but was too stubborn to adjust my diet.

In 2016 I got a severe pain attack, which was my wake-up call. That is when I began my vegetarian diet and fitness journey. I realized that developing a chronic disorder affected my organs and did not make it easy to restore my health as easily as others. Now, ever since I got an ulcer, my stomach gets very upset easily. Side note: my periods are quite intense and sometimes disable from walking due to the excruciating pain I experience in my uterus, lower back and back. Since painkillers can trigger another ulcer, I cannot always rely on taking them for relief.

Often we encounter unfortunate challenges related to our well-being.

However, as indicated earlier, an healthy mindset will help us overcome whatever challenge we face. Besides, I felt that I did not had a reason to complain, since many others go through a tougher situation. Nevertheless, one of the main reasons I decided to work on my wellbeing was to feel better mentally. I knew that when having the right mindset I would develop the strength to achieve fitness goals and a positive attitude towards myself. Only a few months after my journey I realized the importance of self-love.

My fitness and wellness journey made me a person with more pride.

I became more self-confident after proving to myself that I could achieve anything as long as I was realistic. Then, my insecurities dropped. As a result, I felt happier and relieved. I was no longer fearing pain and anxiety attacks. Part of my fitness journey was adjusting my diet. My new lifestyle helps me prevent inconveniences related to my stomach problems, which makes me feel better as well.

For me, wellness is one of the most important pillars in life because it reflects my self-love.

It is proof that I am doing my best to prolong my life. Having a healthy mind and body state is a result of my continuous efforts at the gym–that makes me feel proud. In the end, wellness does not always mean that someone is trying to lose weight. Sometimes it means keeping the effort in finding the right balance between your mental and physical health.

What does your wellness journey consist of?

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Follow Whitney and her personal wellness journey on Instagram.

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