Hi Whitney, please introduce yourself!

My name is Whitney Rochette García Devers. I was born in Curaçao and raised in a Dominican family. At the age of six I moved with my family to Holland and we immediately settled in Rotterdam. Currently, I am a project manager at Unilever which is actually an internship. I work in the category Oral care. I study International Business and Languages at the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. From January this year until May this year I lived in Chico, California as part of a mandatory exchange program.

How long have you been writing?

Honestly, writing is my life. Since I was twelve I have been writing stories which I of course never shared with someone, because I was very shy back then. However, last year I really felt the urge to communicate with a group of readers. Thus, I started writing beauty and lifestyle articles for Vrouwen.nl which is a Dutch website focusing on women. Since I was writing monthly I decided to chase another dream: starting a fashion blog. In December 2013 I started Whitneyfromtheblogue and a couple of months ago I started a beauty and health blog, Curlsnlashes.

Texture does not define the beauty of your hair, but its health does.

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