Breaking up is so hard to do–especially when it is a tall, sweet, well-built bottle of creamy detangling milk. I know, it worked so well when you had your TWA, because after all, it was your first love during your big transition. You ask yourself, where did we go wrong?

photo courtesy of izusek — Getty Images

“I trusted you to keep my curls moisturized and protected.” Okay, so… maybe it’s not that serious. Or is it? Finding the right hair product is hard to do; most of us naturally curly girls just want something to make our curls bounce, shine, glisten, and pop. Let me be your curl therapist today and help cushion your fall. Here’s why it is time to move on to a new love.  

“You used to love me…”

When you first did the big chop, your curls were maybe a millimeter in length. Honey at that point, pretty much anything would work on your hair. Let’s be honest: as long as your scalp didn’t itch and your hair didn’t look dry, you were in natural heaven. Then your hair started to grow, so now the product you couldn’t live without turned into the product that you never wanted to see again. Things became a little more complex and you started to research Naturally to find out your texture type, like filling out an online dating profile.

Should I check yes or no?

Should I just skip this question and go to the next?

Finally you come to the end of the questionnaire and think you have it all figured out. Yes you are on the road to finding the right products for you. Wait another road block, no one told me that my hair had mixed emotions. I am a type 3b in the crown, 2b in the front, and my nape area should be on Unsolved Mysteries! Calm down there is a light at the end of the curl romance.

To the left, to the left…

If your product doesn’t enhance your curl pattern, give you more than 24 to 48-hour curl definition (whether it’s a set or wash-and-go”>, or moisturize and hydrate your hair then you may need to give it away. There are so many products on the market that your search for Mr. or Mrs. Right can sometimes feel overwhelming. My advice is check out the ingredients and study your hair type. Now that doesn’t mean that you won’t find something you love that is labeled type 3 although you are a type 4 curl pattern.  Keep in mind that you may like your curls to be firm while the next curly girl likes a nice soft plush curl.  

If your product doesn’t enhance your curl pattern, give you more than 24 to 48-hour curl definition (whether it’s a set or wash-and-go”>, or moisturize and hydrate your hair then you may need to give it away.

My Endless Love

Don’t jump the broom so fast. Remember that your curls react to weather and climate changes. Oh yeah, and the fact that you haven’t clarified your hair in ages does nothing for your newfound curly pudding in terms of making your curls spring up. Once you have read up on your curl type and have discovered some strong curly product candidates, it is now time to sign a term lease agreement.

  • Detoxify and or clarify your hair at least once every 4 to 6 weeks. Bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and Greek yogurt are all amazing natural clarifiers. There is also Original Moxie Get Fresh, and Surface Hair Care Purify. This will give your product the ability to perform at its best.

  • Find a follow-up shampoo. Most curly girls need moisture. One of my favorite shampoos is Surface Curls. If you are into non-lather shampoos, try Original Moxie Get Clean, which does a great job and it isn’t heavy on the hair.

  • Condition after every shampoo.  Become in tune with your hair when choosing a conditioner.  I tend to couple Surface Curls Conditioner with the Surface Curls Shampoo quite often.  But there are also times when a heavier conditioner like Urbanbella Hydrating Conditioner is necessary.

  • Leave-ins seal the deal for me. Liquids and creams–cocktail a few and experiment. Just make sure the ingredients are right for your hair.

  • Be very careful when selecting styling products. If the girl on YouTube doesn’t have your hair type please don’t think the product she is using will give you the results you are looking for. Read research and, yep, consult a professional first.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this new chapter in your life.

Tell that worthless product to “Hit the road Jack, and don’t you go back no more, no more, no more!”

Have you ever broken up with a product?

Read Should You Brush Your Curly Hair? A Stylist Explains

Stacy is the owner of Augusta, GA-based curly hair salon, DyeVerCity. Follow her on Instagram @DyeVerCity.

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