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Despite the massive natural hair movement that seems to have taken over hair care, there are many who just do not care for it. Often it is due to frustration with maintenance, styling, & expectations, and while we all falter sometimes in hair care we need to stay positive about our hair. Curlydaze has some questions that fall into this type of situation she shared with us on our Curly Q&A


How do I get back to loving my hair? I have a mix of 3b and 3c hair. For the most [part] my hair is pretty manageable. I have been trying to grow it out for some time, but I have lost all patience for taking care of it. I can’t afford to go to a stylist for any long term protective style and I live in an area where natural hair is super uncommon so finding help or a variety of products is rather difficult. I’ve always had a love hate relationship with my hair, but it’s gotten to the point that I no longer want to take care of it. I’m so lost. Help…


So sorry you are feeling this way as most of us tire of our hair from time to time whether we rock natural or chemically relaxed hair. I say that to make you aware that you are far from alone in your way of thinking. Now, whether you choose to go back to chemical relaxers (I can only assume you had them in the past”> or not, I hope you choose the latter as chemicals relaxers are a dangerous product that many black women are leaving alone in recent years as a result.

There are ways to fall back in love with your hair but it requires a few changes. I have listed a few and hopefully one or two may be ideal for you to get back that old feeling about your hair.

Give yourself a break!

Speaking from experience, sometimes you have to step back from our hair goals outside of keeping our tresses healthy. When I was more concerned about how long I could grow my hair over anything else I found myself passing up much-needed trims, popping tons of hair vitamins and losing sight of what was really going to grow my hair long. The added pressure of length pursuing can be exhausting, as it takes time for hair to grow and comparing one’s hair to others can make for detrimental hair envy that has you setting yourself up for heartache.

Genetics, health, aging, medications, and stress levels all affect hair growth, so worrying about what your hair needs over how long you can get it to grow is the better path to take.

Invest in a really great cut

A great cut does not require you have to go to a stylist monthly or even a few months, as a really great style can last on its own for a while. The great part is they are much cheaper than a long-term protective style and they spruce up your hair so that you feel a great change.

Try some color

Another way to change up your hair and enjoy the newness is through color. Coloring one’s hair, especially done during summer, just reeks of fun and is the reason why many do it before a big season change. This can breathe some much-needed life back into your feelings for your hair.

Buy products online

I love Amazon (I am an avid Amazon Prime member”> because they sell almost everything, but they are by far not the only online outlet to get great products. Do not let where you live dictate what you can buy for your hair. Buying online also gives you access to stores that have sales because they almost always have those same amazing sales online and probably do a ton of business through online selling.

Find help online

You are far from alone for needing to go outside of your present space to find help with natural hair. While it may seem like a mecca of natural hair in most places, that simply is not true for all of us, and we have to look online for assistance.

Don’t give in to hate

Just as you must love yourself, you must also love your hair. It is time to stop the love/hate relationship and love your natural hair, as it is uniquely you. All you need is to love your hair by caring for it and make a change of style, cut, or color to get you in a better hair mood. If you do choose to go back to relaxed hair, make sure it is because you are ready for a different type of maintenance and understand the damages those chemical can inflict on your strands.  Often we just need a change in scenery (a change up in hairstyles, etc.”> to get us back on track.

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