? Tell me in the comments, friend!

Many of you are laser-focused on label reading and all-natural ingredients listing on your hair products.

For this, I say, “Well done! Keep it up!” Why? Well, in the end, there’s one thing that drives me crazy: FALSE ADVERTISING.

Writing sponsored content and ad copy for our NaturallyCurly community is one of my greatest pleasures because I get to product test and research ingredients on your behalf. So, when I see that some labels blatantly mislead or misconstrue information to consumers, it riles me up, friend.

Seriously… have you seen my list of the various aliases of sugar? It is outrageous what we don’t know.

Fortunately, the Netflix docu-series ROTTEN shines a light on how consumer goods, especially food, are sourced, produced, and brought to market. It is a fascinating look into the underbelly of the world’s food supply chain.

I’m not the only intrigued, or (more accurately”> disturbed, by this doc. Here is what Amy Glynn, for Paste Magazine, has to say about it:

Exposing food frauds ranging from the confusing to the flat-out lethal, the episodes investigate various ways in which the literal food chain is screwed up by the corporate food chain, and the ramifications for people who farm, and people who eat. Which I’m pretty sure includes all of us. –Amy Glynn, Paste Magazine

Yep. It is, in a (pea”>nutshell, intense.

Okay, I’ve bored you enough. Watch the video to see my reaction to ROTTEN.

Before you press play:

Also, I just need to correct myself because my memory fails me some of the time: the chicken coops were NOT burnt down, but they were smoked out. To me, that’s just as bad. I really dislike that the chickens were killed. More than that, my heart cried out for the chicken growers who lost nearly everything because of it. #notcoolbruh

Sighs heavily * I dunno, friend… This Netflix docuseries ROTTEN has gotten me to the point of overanalyzing almost every single item I touch at the grocery store. Admittedly, I am obssessed with chicken ?, but now I have to think twice about buying it and honey and eggs and milk…. Can I eat anything, ever, at all again?!!! Has my shopping experience been completely destroyed???

This is me… in #SAVAGE mode (and no, that’s not Randy Savage; that’s The Rock ?”>

After watching ROTTEN, are you feeling #inspired to learn more about food sources or #nah?

Since having participated (* ahem, briefly *”> in the NaturallyCurly No Sugar Challenge and watching ROTTEN, I have been hyper vigilant about the produce I choose to consume… especially, garlic… you’re going to LOSE YOUR MIND when you learn the truth about garlic, friend. For more of my ramblings, reviews, and antics, follow me on Instagram @gerilynhayes ?

As ever, stay sweet – never ROTTEN!

The docu-series ROTTEN is streaming now on Netflix.

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