No matter what length your hair is, curl maintenance is always important.

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While you may think one length may be more manageable than another, curl maintenance never has to be a hassle.

However, I will say that if you do have shorter curly hair, maintenance is lighter simply because you have less hair to work with. Speaking from personal experience, I have had short hair for years and I really do enjoy the simplicity of my curl routine. Over many years of trial and error, I feel that I have mastered what works for my curls. Below, I offer you my ultimate guide to taking care of shorter curly hair.

Do: Trim your curls regularly

Trimming your curls regularly not only preserves your curls’ shape, but it also gets rid of all of those dead ends and unruly edges. Personally, I trim my own curls every 6 weeks or whenever I feel my curls need a little cleaning up. If you aren’t comfortable with trimming your curls yourself, you can always see a professional stylist, preferably one who specializes in cutting curly hair.

Don’t: Use or apply too many products

You don’t want to apply too many products to your hair regardless of its length. For short hair, I typically stick to two products which usually consists of a leave in and styling gel. On rare occasion, I’ll also apply an oil. Applying product after product will just make your hair feel greasy and heavy. Stick to products that are on the lighter side such as

No matter what styling product you use, you only need a small amount to achieve lasting definition. For those with short hair especially, this means no more than a dime to quarter size amount of product for styling. If you use more than that, you may find your curls feeling crunchy and oily.

Do: Deep condition

Even short curls need a little TLC. Deep conditioning is an essential part of maintaining your curl’s health. Deep conditioning not only deeply provides your curls with the moisture it needs but it also gives your curls the ultimate rejuvenation. This applies to those who especially have dry and brittle hair like myself. I deep condition my curls once a week or whenever they are feeling extra dry. Some good deep conditioners to try are

Don’t: Use a lot of heat

While using heat styling tools, such as straighteners and curling wands, may make your short hair look rad temporarily, they can also do a really good job of destroying your hair health as well! If you must use them use them, use them sparingly and always with a heat protectant such as:

Having short hair is something to embrace. Short hair is something that often gets overlooked by the media when it is in fact, quite a unique contribution to the naturally curly world.

How do you maintain your short curly hair?

Let us know in the comment section below.

For more information on how to maintain short curly hair, check out these articles:

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