Lady with coily hair stretching outside
  1. Be Smart About What You Sip. Good news: You can enjoy happy hour! “Don’t totally eliminate alcohol,” says Harmon. “Just make smarter choices. Nix the high-caloric drinks, like Pina Coladas, and limit your intake. Request that your drinks be mixed with club soda or fresh fruit juice to reduce unnecessary sugar calories.”
  2. Drip It Off. Perspiration has major skin and body benefits, so grab a girlfriend and try a hot yoga class. “A good sweat leaves you feeling rejuvenated, energized, and cleansed,” says Lugo. “Always make sure to replenish with plenty of water and nutrients.”
  3. Dear Diary. Every week, sit down and write out your workouts. Refer to each day’s plan right before you hit the gym, and you’ll stay motivated to complete your tasks. “It keeps your brain interested, and you’ll be surprised by how much you’ve completed,” says fitness guru Jackie Warner.
  4. Splash Around. You can do way more than just swim in a pool. Warner suggests doing jump squats in the shallow end. Bend your knees, then bounce out of the water as high as you can, and come back into a squat. The resistance from the water will send your muscles into overdrive.
  5. Replace Soda With H2O. Drink three liters of water every day. It’s the easiest way to keep your organs clean and hydrated. Give the clear stuff a bit more flavor by adding sliced strawberries or a lemon wedge.

Read More:  Synchronized Swimming Beauty Tips

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