Q: My 3 year old has very fine, wavy hair — still sort of baby hair. She absolutely hates to have it brushed or combed, but she tolerates the hair washing well. I am wondering if there is some kind of product I can put in during the bath that will prevent it from ending up fly-away and messy looking.

Cozy: That’s great that she doesn’t mind shampooing. That’s more than half the battle! I’d say that if she’s comfortable in the tub, you are smart to look for ways to maximize that. After shampooing, try So Cozy Lucky Lime Pre-Detangling Treatment in the tub with a wide-tooth comb. Not only does it gently remove tangles, but it helps to prevent flyaway hair. As for keeping it neat looking, pulling it back and out of her face with a cute clip may be your best bet until she passes through this phase.

Q: My eldest daughter (9 1/2″> has almost waist length, extremely thick hair. It used to be totally straight. About a year ago, I noticed waves/ripples appearing. I noticed a little spiral at the front today. At the moment, she is still using shampoo and conditioner, and brushing it in the morning. Her hair gets quite greasy at the roots and her hair has to be tied back for school. It isn’t frizzy at the moment but am just wondering if I should be doing anything differently?

Cozy: You know what they say: “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!” If her hair isn’t frizzy, then I wouldn’t worry about doing something differently. For greasy hair, try washing it daily, gently massaging the scalp with your fingers to spread the suds around. If you would like to enhance her waves, you should consider a haircut with long layers. Heavy hair weighs down the curls, preventing the “bounce.” Your best bet is to talk with a stylist and get recommendations.

Q: I am mom to 4-year-old Paige, who has long very fine frizzy curly/wavy hair. I’m not sure if she is a 2b or 3a because the underneath part of her hair is curly (including ringlets”>, but the top is wavy. It’s a real nightmare! It always looks messy and I really need some advice about what products I can use to enhance the curl and combat frizzies. Should have it cut in a different style to enhance the curl? I haven’t got curly hair so I haven’t got a clue.

Cozy: Frizz occurs when the hair cuticle is ruffled. This is often caused by brushing curly hair. Curly haired people shouldn’t brush their hair. Instead, try this after bathing: “Scrunch” So Cozy Groovy Grape Styling Gel into Paige’s hair. Let it dry naturally or with a diffuser. Her curls will be enhanced and frizz-free! As for her hair style, you should talk with an experienced stylist who can recommend a proper style for her hair type and face shape.

Q: I am the mom of 5-year-old Audrey. She has 3b/3c tight curls, but I am a dead-straight-haired Asian mom. I only comb her hair with my fingers, but she still hates it. It’s so dry here in Colorado, and it seems I have to have to comb it twice a day to make it look okay. It is SO hard to style her hair, and her hair seems to break off easily. I think she needs a haircut, but I don’t know where to take her. Any ideas?

Cozy: A proper haircut is critical for curly hair. Try asking friends and people you meet whose hair is similar to Audrey’s where they go for haircuts. A personal recommendation is always preferable. Why does she hate it when you comb her hair? Is it tangled? Is it uncomfortable for her? I recommend that you use So Cozy Lucky Lime PreDetangling Treatment while bathing. After shampooing, apply a generous amount and then comb through with a wide-toothed comb. The comb should glide right through her hair. She will probably even enjoy it!

Q: So after seven years of watching other parents deal with lice, my daughter came home with it. She has thick, long curly hair and it seems nearly impossible to get a comb through it. Any suggestions?

Q: Anything I can do to prevent lice so I never have to do this again? Anyone who has ever dealt with lice will tell you that it’s a nightmare. Prevention is definitely key! Use BOO! Shampoo & Conditioner. It scares away lice naturally! Boo is infused with pure tea tree oil, which is the known strongest natural lice repellent there is. It works the way citronella works to prevent mosquitoes. Lice are repelled by the scent of tea tree oil. If you use BOO! daily, you should be safe.

Q: I’m in middle school with 3b/3c mid-back length hair. I wore my hair down to school for pretty much the first time, and in the morning it looked so good. But I put it up later because it was too big and poofyish. So how big would you say is too big?

Cozy: There is no right or wrong answer about your hair style. Style is a very personal thing, and everyone has their own ideas and preferences. The important thing is for you to be happy with how your hair looks. When you say “poofy,” do you mean frizzy? Do your curls remain in all day or do they get frizzy and fuzzy? Try using So Cozy Kooky Kiwi Styling Cream after you dry your hair. That should help to control your hair and prevent the “poof.”

For more information about buying So Cozy products, visit CurlMart.

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