While beginning work at NaturallyCurly in 2012 certainly helped my journey…

I still found myself wandering aimlessly in beauty supply stores seeking things that would help with what I first considered my hair’s “downfalls”:

  • I have medium to high porosity.
  • At the time I was TWA length.
  • My curls are naturally finer and springier in the front.
  • In the back they are wiry and thicker.

These were all obstacles I saw myself having to overcome in the process of figuring out the exact definition of Devri’s Hair. Yes, I just referred to my hair in the third person.

Throughout the years it has taken me tons of experimenting, a few bad trims, becoming a committed product junky, and watching endless YouTube curly hair tutorials for me to finally come to terms with the fact that my hair type, texture, length, and thickness is what it is. Sure, the denial process lasted longer than it probably should have. But I look at it this way–it could have taken me longer to accept. But for my own personal hair and beauty journey, I am beyond thankful for each moment of confusion, bad hair days, and the fact that not every product, style, or routine does the same for my hair as it will for the next person’s.

Once I figured out what works for me as far as technique, routine, products, and ingredients, I stuck to a few staples and must-haves. I still consider myself a pretty open-minded individual when it comes to my hair and style, but if I know silicones leave my hair a sticky hot mess, I’m going to for sure stay away from them every chance I get.

[quote cite=”I am beyond thankful for each moment of confusion, bad hair days, and the fact that not every product, style, or hair routine does the same for my curls as it will for the next person’s.”][/quote]

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