4 Habits that Cause Mid-Shaft Splits – And How to Avoid Them
Image Source: @garshellm

As if split ends were not trouble enough, curly girls also have to deal with another hair-damaging issue, one that some never even knew existed. What am I talking about? Mid-shaft splits. Yes, this is another thing to add to your list of things to avoid when caring for and treating your natural curls. So, what exactly is a mid-shaft split, and how can you prevent this from happening? 

A mid-shaft split is hair breakage or weakness occurring anywhere along the hair shaft other than the ends. It is usually found in women with kinky and coily hair due to the increased number of twists and bends along the strand. Every hair bend is a point of weakness for mid-shaft splits to flourish. But this pesky issue is not limited to one texture.

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First time client came in experiencing a lot of split hairs. Mid shaft breakage is happening because the split ends have split up! #Fyp #SplitEnds 

♬ original sound – Haia.si
Image Source: @brookethestylust

Like other common hair problems, how you style, treat, and care for your hair daily plays a huge part in your healthy hair journey. While split ends eventually occur because it is the oldest part of the hair, mid-shaft splits directly result from over manipulation, chemical damage, heat damage, or weak hair.

Here are four habits that can lead to mid-shaft splits.

1. Detangling with a brush

Your favorite brush could be your best friend or your worst nightmare. While many women swear by the Denman brush or Tangle Teezer, be sure these tools are not doing more harm than good. Finger detangling is a great way to prevent single-strand knots—a known culprit of mid-shaft splits—because it allows you to observe how your hair responds.

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Finger detangling is a simple way to avoid breakage and retain length.Compared to brushing and combing, it’s a far gentler method for working through knots, without the tugging and tearing that damages strands. It takes alot of time but it’s worth it! #fingerdetangling #naturalhairtips #detangling #naturalhairkenya

♬ High – Adekunle Gold & Davido
Image Source: @bonu_waqo

You may be tempted to yank the brush through that tough area, however, using your fingers is a gentler way to detangle. If you are detangling and each brush stroke sounds like scratching sandpaper, that is a sign you might want to finger detangle instead. To help with this process opt for conditioners with a ton of slip.

Read more: The Slip Awards: 6 Products with the Best Slip 

2. High manipulation

4 Habits that Cause Mid-Shaft Splits – And How to Avoid Them
Image Source: @fashionbombdaily

Excessive styling is also a cause of mid-shaft splits, especially when styling is conducted on wet hair. Wet hair is weaker and more delicate to handle when styling. Constant twisting, braiding, and rolling can cause unseen breakage to your hair that you might not realize until weeks later.  While these styles are gorgeous in their own right if you witness splits often, opt for more buns or updos to protect your hair without having to refresh the style daily. In addition, the manner in which you grip your hair while styling factors into manipulation. Are you naturally heavy-handed? Do you pull and tug at the section just to install a braid?

3. Heat styling

4 Habits that Cause Mid-Shaft Splits – And How to Avoid Them
Image Source: @keyslayshair

Heat styling is a favorite among many naturally curly women to switch up their looks, conduct a length check, or get a trim. We already know heat can cause damage to your curls, so it is no surprise heat may also cause mid-shaft splits. I recommend finding a qualified stylist to assist with blowing out your natural curls.

4 Habits that Cause Mid-Shaft Splits – And How to Avoid Them

When styling at home, we often misdiagnose how much heat is needed to straighten our hair. In addition, a professional stylist will ensure proper heat protectants are used and that the hair is hydrated from the inside before applying heat. If you are unsure your stylist uses a heat protectant, bring your own.

4. Skipping The Protein Treatment

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Image Source: @aprilbasi

Since chronic dryness is the #1 issue among curlies, some women often forget the importance of protein. While every woman needs a good moisturizing conditioner in their arsenal, having a killer protein conditioner or treatment is equally important. Protein treatments will help fill in the gaps within the cuticle where the hair shaft is weak and will ultimately break.

Protein treatments should be applied sporadically to prevent protein sensitivity, which occurs when your hair has a protein overload and results in further damage. Regular conditioners with hydrolyzed proteins are a great way to start and help prevent mid-shaft splits. Some of my favorite protein conditioners include:

Have you experienced mid-shaft splits? If so, how did you deal with them?

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