2. Put your hair to bed

Your night-time routine can make or break your chance at getting good second-day hair.

“It’s easy to make your curls last longer as long as you protect your chair the night before,” says Christo of Christo Fifth Avenue in New York.

Invest in a satin pillowcase which will reduce frizz-causing friction.

“At bedtime, pull your hair up in a high ponytail with a scrunchie,” suggests Mia Fanali of D. Sabrina Salon in Westport, Conn. “Don’t use an elastic band because that will leave more of an indentation.”

Christo tells his clients to put their hair into a loose French twist at night, letting the steam from the hot shower revitalize the curls while they’re up in the twist. Then undo the twist and spray on some leave-in conditioner, finishing off with a little pomade (rub a little in the palm of your hands and smooth over curls.”>

Many people swear by “the pineapple”– gathering the hair on top of the head with a scrunchie.

“It gives my 3b shoulder-length hair the best second-day hair,” says CurlTalker Laney1. “I’ve even gotten third-day hair with it. I might have to spritz a little water here and there, but that’s it.”

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