Four women with naturally curly hair

When Natural Becomes Normal

The day when moisturizing and sealing will not be considered “too much” and deep conditioning is not considered any more time consuming than getting a relaxer will be amazing simply because it will be normal. To those oblivious to natural hair care, reading this article may have you thinking “You don’t know how to wash and comb your hair?” Quite frankly, no. Everyone’s story is different, and they probably all share similar elements, but ultimately, the answer is no. Have I put a comb through my hair before today? Yes. Properly? Probably not.

Not everyone remembers the who, what, when, where, how and why of this huge misunderstanding of curly hair, but somewhere along the timeline of birth until the start of their hair care journey many consciously or subconsciously understood their hair to be too unmanageable, unattractive and unprofessional. To say the root of the misconceptions are neither here nor there is very false but learning and acceptance always take time, whether it’s for yourself or sharing information and testimonies with others. The greatest subliminal efforts of this movement are the small elements that are transforming natural hair to becoming normal.

Every contribution of this normalization process is important. In Jill Scott’s new music video “Blessed” she wakes up in the morning and spritzes her hair with Ouidad Botanical Boost spray. To a little girl watching the video, waking up and refreshing her hair before starting on her day will be a simple element in her morning regimen before school. To some, Jill Scott appears to be an unofficial advocate of natural hair, and I wouldn’t doubt her support, having worn her hair natural for years, but somehow every natural has become one.

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